
Ways of thinking

First way of thinking:
There is something we don’t have to buy by using money. The air is free, the scenery is free, the sky, the moon, the sun, the grass, the land, all are free. God created all these for us. We don’t have to pay to breath, we don’t have to pay to see all the beautiful scenery, we don’t have to pay to own the sky, we don’t have to pay to see the moonlight, we don’t have to pay to feel the grass, we don’t have to pay to stand on a land.

Second way of thinking:
There is nothing free in this world. The air is not free; we can’t feel the air in England without money. The scenery is not free; we can’t see the scenery in Switzerland without paying the flight tickets. The sky, the moon, the sun is not free; we can’t see the sky in Australia, we can’t see the moon in Paris, we can’t see the sun in Hawaii, if we don’t have money. The grass and the land is not free; we can’t see the grass in New Zealand, we can’t feel the land in Taiwan if we never have enough money.

Which way of thinking you have?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a devil. If i can grab or rope someone property to my own belongings..then i think that is free...just joke...I'm the first way of thinking...