
Online Messenger and my friends

Everyday I sign in to my online messenger when I arrive in office but I seldom chat unless there is any issue or information that I need form someone on my list. Why I still sign in even though I do not chat? I just want to sign in to tell everyone (if there is anyone who cares) that I am fine today. At the same time, I want to make sure that everyone on my list is fine too, so I will actually check on my list after I sign in.

I will know if there is someone not there, I will know the routine where there is someone who will sign in on alternative month, some one who sign in for only 4 days, etc. For someone who usually signs in everyday, it’s ok that you do not sign in for only one or two days but I will start to wonder where you are if you do not sign in for more then 2 weeks. I will start to pay attention to you and wait for you to sign in, if there is no response, I will sms, then I will call, just to make sure that you are ok.

I have no many friends, only a few which close to me. When I say close means once in a while update some news at messenger, see some update in Friendster, may be add on some sms….no meet up, no hang out, no shopping together….(which might means normal friend to others). There are some name on my list that I never know them in person (Iris, Daniel, Derrick, Grace, Din, Vincent…), we communicate and know each other only through messenger but they has been there for years….and I still care.

To make it short, that means I never maintain my relationship with friends. But I care actually, I care if they suddenly disappear, I care if they face any problem and I care if they will still come to me when they need someone to talk to.

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