
Am I doing things right?

I think I'm very calculative. When my boss want me to work extra harder which is existing my normal workload, I'll do, but for sure she has to pay for it. I don't feel that is too much right? We should be paid accordingly to what we do, right?
I won't get any OT claim if I stay back after my normal office hour. I don't mind about that, it can consider as my fault because I'm not efficient enough to finish my work in time. So, I don't think is too much if I wish to claim my OT when they want me to work on Saturday and Sunday. I don't think is too much for me to claim it according to my daily salary, right? When your company required you to travel to other location to wok, you should have your mileage claim right? So, is not my fault to claim it, right?
Come on, I don't believe that you don't think in this way. All of the employee think like this, right? If I'm at the managerial level which I earn more then RM 3000, then I'm ok if you said I shouldn't claim for it, but I'm not earning that much, right? Somemore my boss is one of the shareholder and she will get the profit sharing at the end of the quarter, so, what's my fault if I ask for a claim? Do you think it'll cost her more then RM 100? I think the worst it goes will be around RM 50.
Don't pretend like you don't care about it if you really care. My colleague pretend like she don't care about it and is my fault because I ask for it. Please, in fact, she is the one who also care about it. We did discuss about the case but she never said that it's not good to be so calculative. When it goes to the real point, she start to pretend like she know nothing and why should I ask for it. I think I'm stupid in this sense.I'm the one who become the bad guy, I'm the one who become the bad guy but when I get, she get.
Should I pretend like I do everything for company good, I don't care about my own benefit? Should I pretend like I don't care about my own feeling but company and bosses benefit? Should I pretend like I will live and die together with the company no matter what happened? Should I act like I fall in love with this company and everything I do is to help my bosses to earn money?
I should, right? Then I can bluff all of my bosses, then I can climb and move smoother in my career, right? I should, so that my bosses can earn more and more, then give some to me, right? I should, so that I won't be threaten and critic like hell, right?


What's happening?

Don't know what happened? My life doesn't looks good and smooth since i started to work...I'm in a staffing company where i can help all my friends to get their dream job and all of their salary are higher then mind.... I doesn't mind if they get the higher pay if i get at lease the basic salary that a degree holder should have, the problem is, NO, i'm not getting the actual salary that a degree holder should get.

I can't claim OT, they want me to work on weekends for the career fair also i can get only RM 5 per hour and not my daily salary. I really can't see the point why i have to stay in the company. I really don't understand myself now. I keep on complaining about this company but still don't dare to take up the risk and try a new job.

As a young adult, i think my main concern is my family. i have my own commitment and i can't run off from the responsibility. I think may be is my own mindset who put myself in this situation. I really don't know what else can i do.


ThE fIrSt DaY afTer ChInEsE NeW yEaR aLwAyS wIlL Be ThE lAzIeST dAy To WoRk, We HaVe No ChOiCe WhEn We ArE at The JuNiOr LeVel.
HaHa, the 1st pOst AfTer ChiNeSe NeW yEaR dOesn't SoUnds GoOd, right? :) HaIyA, wE NeEds TiMe To ReCoVer From the SaDnEsS right?HuMan BeInGs AlSo wIll HaVe Up AnD dOwN...So FoRgive Me, K?
HoW wAs yOuR nEw YeAr HoLiDaY? BoRed? InTeResTing? WaNt to sHare It out? ShArE it wItH Me!! :)