
ThE fIrSt DaY afTer ChInEsE NeW yEaR aLwAyS wIlL Be ThE lAzIeST dAy To WoRk, We HaVe No ChOiCe WhEn We ArE at The JuNiOr LeVel.
HaHa, the 1st pOst AfTer ChiNeSe NeW yEaR dOesn't SoUnds GoOd, right? :) HaIyA, wE NeEds TiMe To ReCoVer From the SaDnEsS right?HuMan BeInGs AlSo wIll HaVe Up AnD dOwN...So FoRgive Me, K?
HoW wAs yOuR nEw YeAr HoLiDaY? BoRed? InTeResTing? WaNt to sHare It out? ShArE it wItH Me!! :)

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