Is A LoNg WeEkeNd....BuT wHaT cAn I dO? WhAt'S mY pLaN? I doN't EvEn HaVe AnY PlAn... NoThInG sPeCiAl ThAt We CaN dO...........sIaN. MeAnInGLess LiFe..........
Cheers, for being a new Daddy. May God help you along the way to be a good father, good husband and have the talent to educate Cheryl.
Congratulation, for being the new Mommy. May God bless MOMMY to be healthy and has talent to educated her to be successful in her life.
Welcome Baby Cheryl. May God bless CHERYL to grow up as a healthy, obedient beatiful and happy go lucky girl forever and ever.
Thanks God for the new baby Cheryl in our cell group!!
Congratulation, for being the new Mommy. May God bless MOMMY to be healthy and has talent to educated her to be successful in her life.
Welcome Baby Cheryl. May God bless CHERYL to grow up as a healthy, obedient beatiful and happy go lucky girl forever and ever.
Thanks God for the new baby Cheryl in our cell group!!
My Cell Group Gathering
Feel our happiness? This steamboat gathering happened on Saturday, is the 2nd day of Thaipussom.....Chee Yen, Dorene, Chia Lee spent 3 hours to arrive Susan's new house.
Luckily, we are expert enough to go out and arrive earlier. :P so we can eat more.
Want to join us? Then drop me a msg, i'll contact you and you can join us!!
FM Radio
Start your day with a radio, you will feel more happy on the way work!! I always listen to My FM every moring on the way to work.......
A simple Love Story from radio can make you feel happy for a day!! I always listen to 988 drama at 3pm every afternoon. The drama is really good, at lease help me to pass my working time faster.
當你看到她/他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑.. 你已經愛上她/他了。
當你看到她/他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑.. 你已經愛上她/他了。
100% Great Man
* 有點害羞,但曾在分別的街頭,大聲說我愛你。
* 同我去廟裡求籤,輕輕捉住我的手一同跪下。
* 言而有信。
* 從來不遲到──我遲到他不生氣。
* 擁抱很久、很緊──每次我起身時幾乎是需要慢慢推開他。
* 睡得比我遲一點,醒來早一點。 * 朦朧醒來輕呼我的名字──沒有呼錯。
* 記得我的日期、鞋號、密碼、最怕的事。
* 我很怕蟲子,見到蟲子大聲尖叫他不會笑我。
* 雨後的早晨我去花園,用小樹枝爬到路上來的蚯蚓送還草地--他在一邊幫我。
* 笑起來很像個壞蛋──其實不是。
* 不舒服時,請假帶我去看醫生,回來路上買冰淇淋做獎勵。
* 開車絕不喝酒,讓我繫上安全帶。
* 幫我做家務,每天。邊做邊聊天。
* 常常幫助別人,不為什麼。
* 答應我:永遠不。然後永遠不。
* 一邊吹口哨一邊修馬桶。
* 說:希望你是我的女兒。
* 白煮蛋的黃可以給他吃。
* 雨天散步,背我過積水,說:你還可以再胖一些啊。
* 吵嘴時不會一走了之。
* 錯了會認錯。
* 閱讀女士脫毛器的說明書然後教我。
* 我說笑話他笑。
* 逛街時我看中同一款式三種顏色的裙子,他說:都試一遍好了。
* 試鞋時,他把我的卡通襪疊疊塞進上衣口袋。
* 常常說,有我呢。
* 事情過了才告訴我,輕描淡寫。
* 指甲整齊乾淨,喜歡我替他剪指甲。
* 我做的菜他每樣都愛吃,要求明天再做。
* 小孩子都喜歡他,常常在樓下玩一褲子泥回來。
* 輕輕擰開我擰不開的汽水瓶。
* 忙時給我訂機票,讓我帶父母一起出去玩。
* 告訴我--24小時隨時打電話。
* 告訴我──不要省錢。
* 去義務獻血,回來笑嘻嘻掏出一塊“福利餅乾”給我嘗。
* 偷偷買一件兩人合穿的雨衣放在車上。
* 我喜歡赤腳,他在副駕駛位腳下鋪一小塊羊絨毯。
* 留言時畫一個小老虎頭當簽名。
* 偶爾叫我媽媽。
* 說謊時結巴。
* 與人爭論聽上去像是解釋。
* 教我滑旱冰,扶著我跑了快1000公里。
* 從不上網聊天。
* 他的秘書說幫他縫上脫落的紐扣,他說謝謝,不用。
* 送我的花是盆花,替我澆水。
* 和我下棋,允許我悔棋。
* 他其實很早就對他的父母說起我。
* 喜歡運動,帶我去招待女賓俱樂部。
* 穿十年前的牛仔褲仍然合身。
* 他養了一條大狗,他的狗喜歡我。
* 吵嘴時我要他還我送給他的維尼熊,他堅決不還。
* 我不辨方向,他體內有指南針,說──跟牢我。
* 吃我吃剩的東西。
* 我失眠時他陪我聊天。
* 用雙肘和膝部支撐體重。
* 她以前的女友有困難會來找他。沒有困難則不會。
* 手上有一道傷──和幾個小流氓打架時捏住對方的刀,我警告他下次不要這樣了,他點頭一笑不答。
* 我洗澡時他拿了本雜誌近來坐在馬桶上看。
* 比我高,我取不到的東西讓他取。
* 重大的事情和我商量,比如明年的投資計劃、週末野餐帶不帶燒烤架,晚飯吃大白菜還是小白菜。
* 站在商店的洗手間外面等我。
* 我感冒了,他還是會用我的杯。 (星洲互動‧2006/04/09)
* 有點害羞,但曾在分別的街頭,大聲說我愛你。
* 同我去廟裡求籤,輕輕捉住我的手一同跪下。
* 言而有信。
* 從來不遲到──我遲到他不生氣。
* 擁抱很久、很緊──每次我起身時幾乎是需要慢慢推開他。
* 睡得比我遲一點,醒來早一點。 * 朦朧醒來輕呼我的名字──沒有呼錯。
* 記得我的日期、鞋號、密碼、最怕的事。
* 我很怕蟲子,見到蟲子大聲尖叫他不會笑我。
* 雨後的早晨我去花園,用小樹枝爬到路上來的蚯蚓送還草地--他在一邊幫我。
* 笑起來很像個壞蛋──其實不是。
* 不舒服時,請假帶我去看醫生,回來路上買冰淇淋做獎勵。
* 開車絕不喝酒,讓我繫上安全帶。
* 幫我做家務,每天。邊做邊聊天。
* 常常幫助別人,不為什麼。
* 答應我:永遠不。然後永遠不。
* 一邊吹口哨一邊修馬桶。
* 說:希望你是我的女兒。
* 白煮蛋的黃可以給他吃。
* 雨天散步,背我過積水,說:你還可以再胖一些啊。
* 吵嘴時不會一走了之。
* 錯了會認錯。
* 閱讀女士脫毛器的說明書然後教我。
* 我說笑話他笑。
* 逛街時我看中同一款式三種顏色的裙子,他說:都試一遍好了。
* 試鞋時,他把我的卡通襪疊疊塞進上衣口袋。
* 常常說,有我呢。
* 事情過了才告訴我,輕描淡寫。
* 指甲整齊乾淨,喜歡我替他剪指甲。
* 我做的菜他每樣都愛吃,要求明天再做。
* 小孩子都喜歡他,常常在樓下玩一褲子泥回來。
* 輕輕擰開我擰不開的汽水瓶。
* 忙時給我訂機票,讓我帶父母一起出去玩。
* 告訴我--24小時隨時打電話。
* 告訴我──不要省錢。
* 去義務獻血,回來笑嘻嘻掏出一塊“福利餅乾”給我嘗。
* 偷偷買一件兩人合穿的雨衣放在車上。
* 我喜歡赤腳,他在副駕駛位腳下鋪一小塊羊絨毯。
* 留言時畫一個小老虎頭當簽名。
* 偶爾叫我媽媽。
* 說謊時結巴。
* 與人爭論聽上去像是解釋。
* 教我滑旱冰,扶著我跑了快1000公里。
* 從不上網聊天。
* 他的秘書說幫他縫上脫落的紐扣,他說謝謝,不用。
* 送我的花是盆花,替我澆水。
* 和我下棋,允許我悔棋。
* 他其實很早就對他的父母說起我。
* 喜歡運動,帶我去招待女賓俱樂部。
* 穿十年前的牛仔褲仍然合身。
* 他養了一條大狗,他的狗喜歡我。
* 吵嘴時我要他還我送給他的維尼熊,他堅決不還。
* 我不辨方向,他體內有指南針,說──跟牢我。
* 吃我吃剩的東西。
* 我失眠時他陪我聊天。
* 用雙肘和膝部支撐體重。
* 她以前的女友有困難會來找他。沒有困難則不會。
* 手上有一道傷──和幾個小流氓打架時捏住對方的刀,我警告他下次不要這樣了,他點頭一笑不答。
* 我洗澡時他拿了本雜誌近來坐在馬桶上看。
* 比我高,我取不到的東西讓他取。
* 重大的事情和我商量,比如明年的投資計劃、週末野餐帶不帶燒烤架,晚飯吃大白菜還是小白菜。
* 站在商店的洗手間外面等我。
* 我感冒了,他還是會用我的杯。 (星洲互動‧2006/04/09)
真愛是不害怕說真話;說真話也不害怕面對分手的可能。其實最恐懼碰觸的真心話反而是堅定愛情的基石,相愛的情侶豈可放棄如此共同成長的好機會? (星洲日報/副刊/成長/兩性EQ教室‧特約:吳娟瑜.2006/04/24)
真愛是不害怕說真話;說真話也不害怕面對分手的可能。其實最恐懼碰觸的真心話反而是堅定愛情的基石,相愛的情侶豈可放棄如此共同成長的好機會? (星洲日報/副刊/成長/兩性EQ教室‧特約:吳娟瑜.2006/04/24)
Don't do anything that will make you feel regret
吵架之後,如果對方打你手機,一定要接!!! 有那麼一對情侶。女孩很漂亮,非常善解人意,偶爾時不時出些壞點子耍耍男孩。男孩很聰明,也很懂事,最主要的一點,幽默感很強,總能在兩個人相處中找到可以逗女孩發笑的方式。女孩很喜歡男孩這種樂天派的心情。
他們一直相處不錯,女孩對男孩的感覺,淡淡的,說男孩像自己的親人。 男孩對女孩愛甚深,非常非常在乎她。所以每當吵架的時候,男孩都會說是自己不好,自己的錯。即使有時候真的不怪他的時候,他也這麼說。他不想讓女孩生氣。
有一個週末,女孩出門辦事,男孩本來打算去找女孩,但是一聽說她有事,就打消了這個念頭。他在家裡呆了一天,他沒有聯繫女孩,他覺得女孩一直在忙,自己不好去打擾他。 誰知女孩在忙的時候,還想著男孩,可是一天沒有接到男孩的消息,她很生氣。
晚上回家後,發了條信息給男孩,話說得很重,甚至提到了分手。當時是晚上12點。 男孩心急如焚,打女孩手機,連續打了3次,都給掛斷了。打家裡電話沒人接,猜想是女孩把電話線拔了。男孩抓起衣服就出門了,他要去女孩家。當時是12點25。
女孩在12點40的時候又接到了男孩的電話,從手機打來的,她又給掛斷了。 一夜無話。男孩沒有再給女孩打電話。
女孩強忍悲痛來到了事故車停車場,她想看看男孩呆過的最後的地方。車已經撞得完全不成樣子。方向盤上,儀表盤上,還沾有男孩的血跡。 男孩的母親把男孩當時身上的遺物給了女孩,錢包,手錶,還有那部沾滿了男孩鮮血的手機。
女孩翻開錢包,裡面有她的照片,血漬浸透了大半張。 當女孩拿起男孩的手錶的時候,赫然發現,手錶的指針停在12點35分附近。 女孩瞬間明白了,男孩在出事後還用最後一絲力氣給她打電話,而她自己卻因為還在堵氣沒有接。
男孩再也沒有力氣去撥第2遍電話了,他帶著對女孩的無限眷戀和內疚走了。 女孩永遠不知道,男孩想和她說的最後一句話是什麼。女孩也明白,不會再有人會比這個男孩,更愛她了!
Download from http://ladyzone.sinchew-i.com/content.phtml?sec=902&sdate=&artid=200604090830
吵架之後,如果對方打你手機,一定要接!!! 有那麼一對情侶。女孩很漂亮,非常善解人意,偶爾時不時出些壞點子耍耍男孩。男孩很聰明,也很懂事,最主要的一點,幽默感很強,總能在兩個人相處中找到可以逗女孩發笑的方式。女孩很喜歡男孩這種樂天派的心情。
他們一直相處不錯,女孩對男孩的感覺,淡淡的,說男孩像自己的親人。 男孩對女孩愛甚深,非常非常在乎她。所以每當吵架的時候,男孩都會說是自己不好,自己的錯。即使有時候真的不怪他的時候,他也這麼說。他不想讓女孩生氣。
有一個週末,女孩出門辦事,男孩本來打算去找女孩,但是一聽說她有事,就打消了這個念頭。他在家裡呆了一天,他沒有聯繫女孩,他覺得女孩一直在忙,自己不好去打擾他。 誰知女孩在忙的時候,還想著男孩,可是一天沒有接到男孩的消息,她很生氣。
晚上回家後,發了條信息給男孩,話說得很重,甚至提到了分手。當時是晚上12點。 男孩心急如焚,打女孩手機,連續打了3次,都給掛斷了。打家裡電話沒人接,猜想是女孩把電話線拔了。男孩抓起衣服就出門了,他要去女孩家。當時是12點25。
女孩在12點40的時候又接到了男孩的電話,從手機打來的,她又給掛斷了。 一夜無話。男孩沒有再給女孩打電話。
女孩強忍悲痛來到了事故車停車場,她想看看男孩呆過的最後的地方。車已經撞得完全不成樣子。方向盤上,儀表盤上,還沾有男孩的血跡。 男孩的母親把男孩當時身上的遺物給了女孩,錢包,手錶,還有那部沾滿了男孩鮮血的手機。
女孩翻開錢包,裡面有她的照片,血漬浸透了大半張。 當女孩拿起男孩的手錶的時候,赫然發現,手錶的指針停在12點35分附近。 女孩瞬間明白了,男孩在出事後還用最後一絲力氣給她打電話,而她自己卻因為還在堵氣沒有接。
男孩再也沒有力氣去撥第2遍電話了,他帶著對女孩的無限眷戀和內疚走了。 女孩永遠不知道,男孩想和她說的最後一句話是什麼。女孩也明白,不會再有人會比這個男孩,更愛她了!
Download from http://ladyzone.sinchew-i.com/content.phtml?sec=902&sdate=&artid=200604090830
How to stop myself from hating samebody?
Really feel headache with the GHOST in my house. Really feel sick with the GHOST.....with her BIG size, I just can't ignore her existance.......Flying around in my house, dirty my kitchen, use my things, use my toilet......the worst thing is NEVER CLEAN UP!!!!
For this GHOST, Clean up=mop the place where you can see, where no other things blocking!!!! How to stop myself from hating her? Really hard to do so......This GHOST very GENG 1, studying in UUM in Accounting course but still can spend every weekend her from Wednesday till Saturday, sometimes whole week.....How to study ler?
Holiday for 1 month, 3 weeks FLYING in my house. Where is her family? IPOH lor, but never go back 1, like her BF. I still can accept lar, her BF working here, family got prob then don't go back always lar. But this GHOST's Family very good 1, but she jsut hang up here and there, staying alone in my house while all of us go to work......
Really can't stand her. BIG SIZE already still always wear Spaghetti and BABY T in my house, then all the LEMAK and DAGING fly out everywhere. You know what, in my house, have 2 guys ler, i don't mind if you wear it and do whatever she want in the room lar, but don't wear it and then post in front of my mirror then comb hair in the living room lar!!! You are so poor mer? No money to buy more cloths, no money to buy a mirror and put it in your own room ar? If you buy a mirror and put it in your own room, I don't care whether you wear anything. Really feel like want to VOMIT liao.
Ai, anyway, i supposed to ask for a way to help me to forgive her....Ended up COMPLAINING. Sorry God, I shouldn't...........
Man are hard to please
Men Are Hard To Please 男人很难取悦!!
The problems with GUYS: 男人的问题是:
If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him; 如果妳对他好,他说妳爱上他了.
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD. 对他不好,他说妳骄傲.
If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him; 如果妳穿得很漂亮,他说你企图诱惑他.If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG. 如果不,他说妳是乡下来的
If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN; 如果妳跟他理论,他说妳固执
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS. 如果妳沉默,他说妳没大脑!
If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE; 如果妳比他聪明,他说那是小聪明If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT. 如果他比你聪明,他就是有智慧!
If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u; 如果妳不爱他,他想拥有妳
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?) 如果妳爱他,他试着离开妳.
If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him; 如果妳不跟他做爱,他说妳不爱他
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP. 如果跟他做,他说你是贱货!
If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME; 如果妳告诉他妳的问题,他说妳麻烦
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him. 如果不,他说妳不信任他
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him; 如果妳骂他,妳好象他奶妈
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u. 如果他骂妳,是表示他“关心”妳
If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED; 如果妳没有守承诺,妳就是不可信的人
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so. 如果他不守承诺,他是迫不得已的
If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl; 如果妳吸烟,妳是坏女孩
If he SMOKES, he is GENTLEMAN. 如果他吸烟,他是绅士
If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK; 如果妳考试成绩好,他说是运气
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS. 如果他考得好,他说是实力!
If u HURT him, u are CRUEL; 如果妳伤害了他,表示妳很残忍
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!! 如果他伤害了妳,表示妳太敏感而且太难取悦!
SO HARD TO PLEASE!!!!!If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true....... 如果你寄这封信给男生,他们会发誓以上是不正确的..
but if u don't they say u are selfish..... 如果你不寄给他们,他们说妳自私......
The problems with GUYS: 男人的问题是:
If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him; 如果妳对他好,他说妳爱上他了.
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD. 对他不好,他说妳骄傲.
If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him; 如果妳穿得很漂亮,他说你企图诱惑他.If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG. 如果不,他说妳是乡下来的
If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN; 如果妳跟他理论,他说妳固执
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS. 如果妳沉默,他说妳没大脑!
If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE; 如果妳比他聪明,他说那是小聪明If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT. 如果他比你聪明,他就是有智慧!
If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u; 如果妳不爱他,他想拥有妳
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?) 如果妳爱他,他试着离开妳.
If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him; 如果妳不跟他做爱,他说妳不爱他
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP. 如果跟他做,他说你是贱货!
If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME; 如果妳告诉他妳的问题,他说妳麻烦
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him. 如果不,他说妳不信任他
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him; 如果妳骂他,妳好象他奶妈
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u. 如果他骂妳,是表示他“关心”妳
If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED; 如果妳没有守承诺,妳就是不可信的人
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so. 如果他不守承诺,他是迫不得已的
If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl; 如果妳吸烟,妳是坏女孩
If he SMOKES, he is GENTLEMAN. 如果他吸烟,他是绅士
If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK; 如果妳考试成绩好,他说是运气
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS. 如果他考得好,他说是实力!
If u HURT him, u are CRUEL; 如果妳伤害了他,表示妳很残忍
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!! 如果他伤害了妳,表示妳太敏感而且太难取悦!
SO HARD TO PLEASE!!!!!If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true....... 如果你寄这封信给男生,他们会发誓以上是不正确的..
but if u don't they say u are selfish..... 如果你不寄给他们,他们说妳自私......
I love my job
Something we need to remind ourselves of everyday... ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job ..... I love my job .....I love my job ..... I love my job .....I love my job .....I love my job .....I love my job .....I love my job ..... I love my job .....I love my job .....I love my job .....I love my job .....I ! love my job .....I love my job ..... . .love my job
Boss.........and Me
My Boss & ME
When I take a long time. I am slow.
When my boss takes long time He is thorough.
When I don't do it I am lazy.
When my boss doesn't do it He is too busy.
When I do something without being told I am trying to be smart.
When my boss does the same That is initiative.
When I please my boss I am apple - polishing
When my boss please his boss He's co-operating.
When I do well, my boss never remembers
When I do wrong, he never forgets
When I take a long time. I am slow.
When my boss takes long time He is thorough.
When I don't do it I am lazy.
When my boss doesn't do it He is too busy.
When I do something without being told I am trying to be smart.
When my boss does the same That is initiative.
When I please my boss I am apple - polishing
When my boss please his boss He's co-operating.
When I do well, my boss never remembers
When I do wrong, he never forgets
OP System+ IT Support needed
Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike and World Cup 2.0. And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind: Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try entering the command C:\ I> >THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. But remember, over use can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Out 6.1. And Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in- Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,IT Support
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike and World Cup 2.0. And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind: Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try entering the command C:\ I> >THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. But remember, over use can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Out 6.1. And Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in- Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,IT Support
Give Me the Strength
I need Strength.........Help me...........GOD.......I surrender my life in youur hand, make it your testimony....Help me to control my anger, temper................Show me the right way, help me to glorify your name................
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN
Thanks for all of my friends who really concern and help me along this way. It's never good enough to say thank you through words but I don't know what else can I do :).
Sweet sweet friends : Kok Lean, Aik Swee, Patrick.........etc, I'm not sure whether you will like it when I disclose your name but don't be angry, k? Just to say thanks you.
Sweet sweet friends : Kok Lean, Aik Swee, Patrick.........etc, I'm not sure whether you will like it when I disclose your name but don't be angry, k? Just to say thanks you.
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