
Will you mind if your partner do this?

Guys, let me ask you a question. If you see pictures (current, not past) of your partner being hug (the man stand behind her, hand rounding her neck with her hand on his) by another man, do you mind? Will you feel unhappy?

Ladies, is your turn. What if you see your partner hugging another girl with above post (not the first time and it is “upgrading” from just putting hand on waist, now to hugging tight)? Do you mind? Will you feel unhappy?

Hope that you all will feel interested to do some brainstorming; just want to know how you all think. If you can think better by assuming I’m the one facing the problem, I don’t mind :D.



Are leader born or made?

Joseph asked me a question which makes me think…Are leader born or made?

To me, leader needs to be born before he/she was made. There must be something inside the leader since he/she born which can help him/her to be a leader at the right time.

Among new born babies lying on the bed in hospital’s babies room, you will see some babies who can catch your eyes automatically (I’m not talking about your own baby, I mean we as an outsider). If 3 of the babies cry together, one of them will definitely attract the nurse.

When kids playing together, there will be one of them who will lead the play. Automatically others will follow the lead (and cost world war 4). When there are quarrel among the kids, which means there are 2 leaders who don’t want to follow each others lead. There are kids who don’t like each other even at their first meeting because they feel the attention that has been divert by each other. Parents are no longer focusing on one but two. So, both of them are leaders.

So, leaders were born.

Why do I said then the leader need to be made?

If someone was born as a leader and the family keep on telling them that they are useless, they never have a chance to go to school, they mix with gangster (may be they can be the leader of gangster?!)

If someone was born as a leader but no one lead and train him/her, they might not know that they are leader. They might not understand why everyone following what they do, they might not know how to control their own ego when they realize the power that they have, and they still can’t be a good leader.

Conclusion, leader need to be born before he/she was made.

What is Love?

Love is in a heart shape and it’s something that both sides should share half of it. At the same time, each side is responsible on half of the shape.

Love need to be equivalent. When love started to lost balance, both sides will feel the pain.

1) One side giving more then the other side

- The one giving more will ask for more from the other one, if the other one do not want to give more, he/she might step back. More he/she stepped back, the one will continue to give and force the other one to give. This cycle continue until the heart shape was fully taking over by one side, ended up, they break up.

2) Both sides not giving but only taking

- Both sides are no longer giving to maintain the relationship but only taking away. Each other are no longer taking responsible on the heart shape. So, both sides will step further and further and ended up the shape disappear.

Love is always too complicated for us to understand……..


Merdeka Spirit @ Penang 2008 - Events day

I have no idea that I will sit at the same roll with CM......That is why I did not wear formal....(and actually I was told by Mr Franco to wear casual...) I will make sure I won't make the same mistake anymore.

Digging out my phone..while I'm on candid camera.

Looks really serious (aka fierce) when I am not smiling....I hate taking photo from side angle....
* Can you see CM?

Overall, it was a good show althought there are no famous starsssss...haha, but we have Jazelyn (A Chinese who sing Malay song), Mahadhir (A singer with a dancing group and he was the MCee on that day too)and Man Jiang Hong.

Other then these, we have a great band. In fact, I feel that this band performance is the best. The main singer named YC has a great voice who catched everyone attention. Their performance are so good until someone request them to come out again for 3rd time. The credit goes to you SANDRIES!!