
What is Love?

Love is in a heart shape and it’s something that both sides should share half of it. At the same time, each side is responsible on half of the shape.

Love need to be equivalent. When love started to lost balance, both sides will feel the pain.

1) One side giving more then the other side

- The one giving more will ask for more from the other one, if the other one do not want to give more, he/she might step back. More he/she stepped back, the one will continue to give and force the other one to give. This cycle continue until the heart shape was fully taking over by one side, ended up, they break up.

2) Both sides not giving but only taking

- Both sides are no longer giving to maintain the relationship but only taking away. Each other are no longer taking responsible on the heart shape. So, both sides will step further and further and ended up the shape disappear.

Love is always too complicated for us to understand……..

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