
Yvonne Tan

Last night my bf showed me one web site. He bumped into this web site because of a video clip posted on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyAdWti5kHQ
An uncle danced in Beijing in memory of his niece.

It was unbelievable to me when I saw the clip, an old man dancing like crazy in the crowd at Beijing. He did not dance in only on place, he dance everywhere he went in Beijing. I thought he is crazy. Due to curiosity, I visited the web site that he created for his niece…and I can feel the love…not only by an uncle to his niece –Ms Yvonne Tan, but I felt the love of friends to Yvonne.

Today, I went to You Tube and I type in Yvonne Tan, I saw the video clip about her last few months http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DfplxKYHJs. What I can say is, she is really a brave, young and beautiful lady. She died, but she stay. A famous actress with beautiful face, turned into a fat lady, bald, with bumps on head, she is brave to face the world and share her last few months. She did not even cry.

In the second video, her mother said something really touch me. We have some much time to love but we never do that until when something drastic happened and it is always too late. Someone (I think is her uncle) created a web site to remember Yvonne http://yvonnetannz.blogspot.com/. You might pay a visit. You will really feel the love of her family, friends and relatives to her.

Looking at the funeral that she has, I was thinking, one day, when it is time for me to leave this world and go back to my God Father’s house, how will my funeral looks like? I will have a funeral with all my friends singing to me? I will have my own web site to remember me? I will have anyone feeling sad for my leaving? My death will influence anyone? My funeral will be a special one? I will have a video clip showing my photo and my daily life? I do not know, but I really hope so.

Yvonne, I do not know her before this and I will not know her more then this, but her death means something.

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