
Man that attract me

A man looks great when he is singing on the stage with a guitar but not those who want to tackle girls with that. A man looks great if he is singing and playing guitar sincerely on the stage.

Just imagine, on a stage, a man sitting on a tall chair, holding a classical guitar, with a microphone in front of him, carefully he start his first song. Suddenly, the world is just you and the singer, with the song he sing. You feel how sincere he is when he sing the song, you know what he feel when he sing the song , no matter what is other people below the stage doing, he is just singing.

I cannot deny that I am always attract to this kind of man, do not worry, is not those super fans or crazy lady who will disturb the singer. I just like to be the one who sit aside near to the stage and listen to what the he want to sing, what he want to tell, feel the song, feel how he can touch me with the song. Believe me, the singer can feel your concentration, the singer will know that you are listening and he will sing better.

I am not talking about famous singer, some of the famous singer like Emil Chao can do it but not those singing with electrical guitar. You can visit to some bistro, they will have some singer singing every night, those singers might not be famous but they want to be someone who loves to sing and hope that singing can help them to earn their living.

I am sure that you will like the feeling.

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