
What will your friends say about you?

Yesterday was our cell group, we talked about what will our friends said about us during our funeral. Ya, what a good question, wht will our ffriends say about us when the time is come?? You know what? My dear dear really so cute, he said everybody will say that he is helpful people and he is such a loving husband (of cause, the wife that he mentioned will be me : P ).

I'll hope that my friends will say that i'm a energytic, ambicious, talkative, creative and powerful lady. they might say that i accomplish whatever task that i should do no matter wht happened. i hope that all of my friends will feel touching when they see the special movie about me, i really hope that it will be the funniest and most special funeral that they ever ttend before.

Think about this, what will your friends say about you? One day, all of us will need to left this beautiful world, what will make your friends keep you in their memories? what hve you done for them to remeber you as a special person in their life?

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