
You are not GOD!

You are clever does not mean you are right.
You are reading my blog does not mean I am writing about you.
You are interpreting does not mean I am communication with you.
You are assuming does not mean I have to follow your assumption.
You are talking does not mean I am listening.
You are suffering does not mean I am not helping.
You are earning less does not mean I have to follow your life style.
You are not going for holiday does not mean I cannot go.

Remember, not everybody think like what you think, not everybody do things for you, not everybody have you as their only friend, not everybody owe you things, not everybody has to be responsible to you.

Your life is yours, other people life are theirs, all these life might related to each other but no body have their rights to control others life. No body can force others to make the decision that they do not want to make.

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