
Hand Bouquet

My boy friend sent this bouquet to me during my first birthday in my current company. After keeping it for years, he suggested me to throw the bouquet away, so, we took this photo. Then he sent this bouquet to the morgue (actually is the dump near my house J).
Why I agreed to throw away? Actually do not want to, but we cannot use the bouquet, cannot find any good place to keep it and it is already full with dust and smelly. So, we have to throw it away. Plus, the old one did not go, new one will not come (may be want something better, like diamond….good idea, right?).

Emm… I feel troublesome with just one bouquet in my house; I am wondering how those who “force” her boy friend to send bouquet to office every month can keep their bouquet. I do not really like hand bouquet because for me, this is something temporary, this is something expensive and this is something useless especially when the love gone.

I am ok with those couple who send bouquet during Valentine’s Day, birthday, anniversary and those special memorable days. I’m not ok with those who celebrate “monthly anniversary” or “monthlivesary”, the boyfriend send bouquet every month to the office. Emm….may be you can say I am realistic because I prefer if my boy friend give me something that both of us can use instead of wasting money buying a bouquet which you know it is going to ended up in dump.

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