
Our Stories

How does all this started? It is almost 5 years. During last day of the orientation night, we just finished filling up our PTPTN form. Leaving back to our hostel, someone introduce us to each other. I guess not many people can speak Cantonese that time, and I am a Kedahan who can speak Cantonese well, hence he have a deep impression in me. In between things happened and ended up, we are together now.

As a couple, I think we have some stories that not every other couple has. First, he met my parent before he becomes my boy friend. Second, we spend 2 of our first and second year valentines’ day by delivering hand bouquet. Third, both of us worked as part timer in Gintel (selling massage chair) and become Malaysia top sales for 3 months.

It seems like is so complicated when I want to tell the stories. When I started to write, then I realize, actually, I can write it out by using just some simple sentence. It is always up to us to “expend” and decorate the sentence.

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