
Share.Investor.Share Market

Share, is to buy low sell high. If you buy in at the low price, you can enjoy waiting for the price to increase. If you buy in at the high price, you can only worry if the price stopped there or decrease.

Men are just like a share. If you want to buy a share, look for a cheap but potential share, not for an expensive share with not much room to develop anymore. A man, who looks like nothing today, might become something in future. HOWEVER, women, listen, as a buyer, you has to be smart. As a buyer, study hard before you make your decision to buy the share. To qualify you as a smart buyer in share market, you need to have a good instinct, and a determination to let go at the right time.

After you bought a share, you realize that you might make a mistake, please let go immediately. Do not keep it, made the wrong decision is not something you should feel shameful. If you made a mistake but do not dare to admit and fix the situation, the only result is you have nothing at the end. Worst come to worst, you ended up giving away your life time saving – your young age, young body, your heart, your future…etc.


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